Emotional health in the memento covid-19

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Mª Consuelo Morán Astorga


The main objective of this work was to know how our emotions havefluctuated during thetime of COVID-19 pandemic,comparing them with theyear before it appeared and the year after, when we had already freed ourselves from the restrictions of the regulations imposed to protect our health. To do this, we compared the results of the study carried out during the pandemic with a previous study and a subsequent study. We used the hypothetical-deductive research method, with a comparative observational design where the data was collected through self-report psychological questionnaires. 315 people participated, students from the University of León (40%) and workers from the province of León. With the help of SPSS, univariate and multivariate comparative analyzes were performed. The results report that during the pandemic people experienced fewer positive emotions than in the non-pandemic and negative emotions reported suffering greater anxiety, envy and jealousy, and less sadness during this time. We can conclude that mental health has been affected by this powerful stressor derived from a lethal virus, as well as the stressors added by the measures imposed to combat it, as well as by the bombardment of information by the media, among others. The results of this research have both theoretical and practical implications for the field of study. From a theoretical point of view, they provideevidence on how emotionschangein theface ofastressfuland novelsituation such asthe pandemic. From a practical point of view, they can help design psychological interventions to promote the emotional wellbeing of people affected by the pandemic. 

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How to Cite

Emotional health in the memento covid-19. (2023). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 75-84. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2023.n1.v2.2480


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