Positive impact of online academic work in mexican university professors
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This work explores the perceptions of the positive impact of confinement during the pandemic on 812 university teachers in the southeast of Mexico. An anonymous instrument was responded both online and, in a pencil and paper format towards the end of the health emergency. Information was collected about social adaptation, productivity, mental health, and physical health. In addition, a general scale was administered to evaluate overall wellbeing perceptions. Results evidenced a high positive effect of confinement on the general perception of wellbeing. Positive feelings regarding teachers’ productivity and less positive feelings related to of both mental and physical health were reported. No differences were found in terms of gender and there was not an increase in the consumption of substances such as alcohol, tobacco, or coffee. The implications of approaching the effects of confinement from a positive psychology perspective in helping understand both positive and negative effects of confinement n university professors is further discussed.
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