Comparative study of mental arithmetic, problem solving and attitude towards mathematics in students of third cycle of primary education

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Malena Manchado Porras
Lydia Mateo Ramos


Due to the high prevalence of learning difficulties in mathematics, traditional teaching is currently being challenged. As a result, new alternative teaching methodologies are emerging, such as the Open Algorithm Based on Numbers (ABN) method, which focuses on deep understanding of content, flexibility in calculations and adaptation to the learning pace of each student. To analyse this innovative methodology contributions, this study compares two groups of students in the last cycle of Primary Education: one group instructed through the ABN method (ABN group) and the other through a traditional methodology (non-ABN group). A total of 244 participants were assessed, of whom 139 were in the non-ABN group and 105 in the ABN group. Three variables were assessed: mental arithmetic, problem-solving and attitude towards the subject. The results indicated that, ABN group scored higher in mental arithmetic and problem-solving tasks, i.e. they had fewer difficulties in these areas compared to the children who were taught with a traditional
approach. In addition, the results also showed that ABN group scored slightly better than non-ABN group in attitude toward mathematics task, but the differences were not statistically significant. This study results encourage to continue promoting methodological renewal in schools in order to reduce learning difficulties in mathematics and improve students overall mathematical achievement.

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Author Biographies

Malena Manchado Porras, Universidad de Cádiz

Universidad de Cádiz

Lydia Mateo Ramos, Universidad de Cádiz

Universidad de Cádiz

How to Cite

Comparative study of mental arithmetic, problem solving and attitude towards mathematics in students of third cycle of primary education. (2024). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 487-495.


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