Predictive analysis of intimate partner violence as a function of emotional intelligence
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With the advancement of society throughout history, humans have abandoned patriarchal attitudes and behaviors that
once predominated in romantic relationships. Additionally, relevant aspects such as emotional intelligence have been introduced, marking a turning point in the improvement of the quality of these relationships. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to predict the probability of obtaining high scores in the factors of physical, sexual, relational, and coercive violence based on emotional intelligence variables. The sample included 996 students from the University of Alicante, from seven faculties, aged between 18 and 52 years. The statistical technique used was logistic regression, following a forward stepwise procedure based on the Wald statistic. The instruments selected for data collection were the CEPIU questionnaire, which evaluates gender-based violence in affective-heterosexual relationships, and the TMMS-24 emotional intelligence questionnaire, which measures emotional perception, clarity, and repair. The conclusions indicate that emotional intelligence variables establish predictive models for each of the factors and for the total CEPIU score.
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