Psychopedagogical evaluation in the identification and intervention plan of students with double exceptionality
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For special education in the 1980s, a new concept emerged: double exceptionality, which refers to a paradox between outstanding aptitudes and barriers to learning and participation, affecting the development and learning of boys, girls and adolescents. The objective of this communication is to know the importance of psycho-pedagogicalevaluation in theidentification and design of intervention forchildren and adolescents with double exceptionality, which contributes to the understanding of this issue that is little addressed in the Mexican context by education professionals especially identify it and design intervention plans. The method used was Bibliographic Information Mapping (Molina, 2010) with a systematic search in various electronic databases in specialized journals in the area of outstanding aptitudes; High capacities; double exceptionality; barriers to learning and participation and psychoeducational intervention. Where the complexity in understanding the dual condition is visualized, as well as the need for an appropriate psychopedagogical evaluation that allows comprehensive processes that recognize the particular characteristics of Bach duality. The main challenges in their identification and intervention are presented, characterizing the exceptionalities that require further research to advance the study of this tópica in order to address this educational diversity that coexists with personal and social misunderstanding in educational environments that do not recognize or distinguish its characteristics, (SEP, 2003).
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