Analysis of mental health and problematic mobile phone use in spanish university students
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The advancement of mobile telephony has become the real global player in society, influencing people both positively and negatively. For the statistical analysis, the following objectives were formulated: (1) To find out the influence of university course (from first to fourth year) on Problematic Mobile Phone Use and Mental Health (anxiety and depression) and (2) To detect variables that influence problematic mobile phone use according to sex,course,and mental health. The sample consisted of 1216 university adolescents, 68.24% female and 31.76% male, from the University of Extremadura (Spain) aged between 18 and 24 years (M=21.46; SD=3.83). The results showed that women are more likely to suffer from problematic mobile phone use, being in the first years where it is more accentuated. In addition, it was found that the increase in anxiety and depression is closely related to problematic mobile phone use. In conclusion, it is advisable to implement programmes to prevent and detect situations of problematic mobile phone use, recommending action in the first years of university, focusing on mental health and mobile phone use in women.
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