Investigating educational Escape Rooms for social transformation: a research-based pedagogical proposal

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Paula Rodríguez Rivera


This article introduces an innovative educational proposal focused on the use of educational escape rooms to teach Social Psychology, with a particular emphasis on the analysis and reflection on stereotypes. This approach, grounded in service-learning, aims to develop collaborative, communicative, and empathetic skills in social education students through a descriptive methodology. A convenience sample of 41 students, selected for their willingness to participate in a specific workshop designed for this study, will be used. The proposal involves students in the design and development of escape rooms that incorporate challenges and puzzles centered on stereotypes, promoting a practical application of theoretical knowledge. This pedagogical methodology intends not only to enhance the understanding of key Social Psychology concepts but also to provide a more participatory and stimulating educational experience. It is anticipated that active interaction and practical focus will significantly improve knowledge retention and analytical and problem-solving skills. The project also includes a phase of continuous evaluation, in which specific instruments will be used to collect feedback on students’ cooperation and communicative effectiveness, as well as the impact of the experience on their learning and perception of stereotypes. This data will help verify the effectiveness of the escape room as an educational tool and its ability to modify pre-existing perceptions. This approach emerges as a dynamic and effective methodology for teaching complex social issues, such as stereotypes. It is expected that this methodology will not only actively involve students but also serve as a practical environment for reflection and social action, thereby enhancing their critical analysis skills and empowerment for civic action.

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Author Biography

Paula Rodríguez Rivera, Universidad de Vigo

Universidad de Vigo

How to Cite

Investigating educational Escape Rooms for social transformation: a research-based pedagogical proposal. (2024). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 261-269.


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