Eating behavior between grandmothers/grandfathers and grandchildren. Analysis of glycemic load, BMI and other sociodemographic variables
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Currently, many families have weekly support from grandmothers/grandfathers in aspects as important for their children’s health as meals. In this work, the eating behavior of 42 Spanish grandmothers and 4 grandfathers (N = 46), between 40 and 89 years old (M = 66.30; SD = 11.56), with 46 grandchildren between 3 and 15 years old, is analyzed, and those possible relationships between hours spent together, type of meals, high or low glycemic load (GL) of those foods, BMI of their grandchildren and other sociodemographic variables, as well as perceived external influences on their dietary beliefs. With a descriptive cross-sectional design and non-probabilistic sampling, the data were analyze with the non-parametric Chi square and Mann Whitney U tests. The results showed that they spend together less than 5 hours a day, the weekly meals that they offer the most to their grandchildren are lunch and afternoon-snack, the most frequent foods with a high glycemic load were macaroni, sweets, cookies, white bread and chips, and those with a low glycemic load were apples, oranges/tangerines, carrots and homemade legumes. The marital status of the grandmothers/grandfathers and the BMI of the grandchildren showed a relationship with the foods muffins/croissants and with soft drinks/carbonated drinks. Both the mass media/Internet and the Spanish Ministry of Health were related to the dietary beliefs of the grandmothers/grandfathers, according to their educational level. In conclusion, the essential role of grandmothers//grandfathers-grandchildren in the daily feeding of their grandchildren is demonstrated, as well as the relevance of their marital status and educational level, as well as the BMI of the grandchildren, in addition to the importance of external information for its potential influence on grandmothers/grandfathers ‘ beliefs about offering a healthier diet to their grandchildren.
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