Analysis of personality profile in soccer players

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Sónia Brito-Costa
Angelica Piovesan
Florencio Vicente Castro
Tamara Sales
Mª Isabel Ruiz Fernández
Hugo de Almeida


This study sought to determine the Personality Profile based on the Five Factor Model of Costa and McCrae (1987). The sample consisted of 170 male athletes of soccer sport. Were used as measures of self-report, the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), (Brito-Costa, Moisão, Almeida, and Castro, 2015) Portuguese version. Statistical analysis was performed by the Statistical Software Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) in its 19 version for Windows. There were statistically significant differences in the Personality Profile of the athletes in particular, openness to new experiences factor in the midfielder position compared to other positions, as well as the conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to new experiences factors, between senior and subs, conscientiousness and emotional stability factors among in the 1st league seniors compared to 2nd league seniors

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How to Cite

Analysis of personality profile in soccer players. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 385-396.


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