Psychoeducational and affective support in virtual learning environments

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Mª del Mar Saneiro Silva


The students with disability are choosing either distance or blended learning are in the need of accessible learning contents and services, as well as of psycho-educational support. To cope with their needs, a support framework (learning flow, adapted resources and services) integrated into a course delivered through a virtual learning environment (VLE) through a standards-based open architecture focused on supporting inclusive learning at Higher Education has been developed. The results obtained from the evaluation of the mentioned services in different large, medium and small universities, showed the need of to extend the scope of the psychoeducational support provided through the inclusion of affective issues into the user profile. In order to achieve this objective, new methodological approaches are being developed enriching the adaptation and personalization process. This information can be used as additional indicators guiding the elicitation of affective recommendations along the learning flow. Finally, the research objectives and present on-going work towards understanding the affective support needed in real educational scenarios have been described.

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Psychoeducational and affective support in virtual learning environments. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 233-242.


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