The impact of the type of residential living situation and the mental health on behavior in the intellectual disabilities

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Begoña Medina Gómez
María Isabel García Alonso
Elvira Mercado Val


This paper describes the analysis of how the type of residential living situation and the type of mental health influence adaptive and non-adaptive behaviors of people with intellectual disabilities. The study was conducted with 188 adults, aged between 23 and 69, with disabilities, who were living in a public institution, Fundación Aspanias (Burgos).The analysis was based on the inventory for the Services Planning and the Individual Programming, ICAP (Bruinink, et al., 1986; Montero, 1993) which includes scales for the evaluation of adaptive behavior and behavioral problems. Results suggest that people who live in supervised apartments have more personal and community skills than those who live with their family or in public institutions. Also, those living in public institutions present more non-adaptive behaviors than those living in communities. In general, the presence of a single mental illness does not seem to affect either the adaptive behavior nor the non-adaptive behavior, but mental illness does affect these behaviors when there are more than two diagnoses because of major behavioral problems.

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Author Biographies

Begoña Medina Gómez, Universidad de Burgos

Departamento Ciencias de la Educación. Área de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológicos Profesora Audante Doctora

María Isabel García Alonso, Universidad de Burgos

Departamento de Ciencias de La Salud 


Elvira Mercado Val, Universidad de Burgos

Departamento Ciencias de la Educación

Asociada Doctora

How to Cite

The impact of the type of residential living situation and the mental health on behavior in the intellectual disabilities. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 355-364.


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