Evaluation of attentional biases of subjects with high vulnerability to arachnophobia using an emotional Stroop Task
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The present study aims to analyze attentional biases that are triggered in vulnerable subjects to phobias of spiders. A sample of subjects with high and low vulnerability to arachnophobia were administered two tests: 1 - classic Stroop task and 2 - emotional Stroop task formed by three sheets: neutral words, repulsive emotional words and words related to spider phobia. The results showed that subjects with high vulnerability do not present attentional biases with these words related to their phobia. Attentional biases were neither found regarding the state-trait anxiety about words. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the attentional bias was not influenced by the variable of sex, although there were differences in the colour in which the stimuli were presented in the three sheets of the emotional Stroop. It was the black colour the one which produced more interference due to the fact that the colour of the stimulus would attract more attentional resources because it resembles the colour of some of these insects.
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