Socio-health needs perceived by people with cerebral palsy in the process of aging
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Elderly people with cerebral palsy (CP) demand space and social voice to exercise their rights of citizenship and participation. In this study the current situation of elderly individuals with PC is analyzed in the social and health field and provides future course of action that can be used as measures in response to the opportunities and challenges that these people have offered, in order to ensure a society for all ages and abilities.
We analyze the perceived needs of 260 old people with PC through a semistructured interview. The results establish the following needs identified: lack of recreational and leisure and home help in terms of social services and the quality of health care and physical therapy as major concerns about health resources. Courses of action are proposed for each area which can respond to these needs. Because of the close relationship between the two systems that require elderly people with PC, it is proposed by the coordination and integration of services present agreed care goals to achieve continuity of care and support, increasing the effectiveness of both actions and favoring who require both services. So it gets to shift toward the inclusion of people with cerebral palsy in society to succeed.
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