Fragile X syndrome: detection and intervention in the behavioural phenotype
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Fragile X syndrome (SXF) constitutes the first cause of hereditary intellectual disability. It is one alteration of the neurodevelopmental produced by a mutation in the FMR1 gene causing inadequate synthesis of the protein FMRP1. The absence of this protein would be responsible for the physical phenotype and behavioral that characterizes these people. This work intends to present the most relevant and significant characteristics that define the behavioral phenotype: hyperactivity and attention deficit, social anxiety, intellectual disabilities and learning problems, linguistic alterations and difficulties of social communication and sensory integration difficulties. The study was conducted on a sample of 26 adults with SXF who attend centers for people with intellectual disabilities. The same socio-educational guidance is provided to respond to the needs and proposed recommendations for the handling of misconduct that people with SXF can present.
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