Creative inquiry methodology for the development of metacognitive strategies in students with academic talent
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This paper presents the descriptive study was performed to group academically talented students attending the school enrichment program , the second cycle of Basic Education belonging to municipal schools in the region of Araucania, Temuco Chile. In order to understand and identify the metacognitive skills that can be enhanced through creative strategy, based didactic- pedagogical dimension in the design and articulation of puppets , composed of individual work , group, hand , body , vocal , analytical, and creative. To achieve the objective methods are from the qualitative paradigm, with ethnographic approach was used. Findings from the study indicate that most students potentiated and incorporated in the learning process metacognitive skills that affect the development of the creative, communicative, motivational and social relationship building. Most students improved self-regulated and independent learning that enables them to optimize the implementation of their skills in the various contexts in which they can cope, becoming strategic learners prepared for the challenge of learning to learn.
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