Maths for life. Following the steps of Pisa in primary school

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J. Eladio Ramos Cáceres
Domingo García Quintero
Guacimara Pérez Cartaya


The assessments on mathematical competence, carried out in the Canary Islands, show the need to rethink how to work maths at school. It is suggested to generate a real change, effective and generalized in the teaching and learning of mathematics through teacher training in teacher centers, to translate what they have learned in new models of active learning with students. At the same time, trained teachers are encouraged to become trainers of other teachers, creating a network of exchange and innovation among teachers. At the end of the experience very positive teacher ratings were received on the interest of the training itself and the degree of transfer to their daily teaching. The main strengths emphasized by the teachers are the applicability of the processes and the methodological change brought to their classrooms. There were also statistically significant improvements in the processes involved in the resolution of problems in the group of students whose teachers participated in the formative action (experimental group), in contrast to a group of students who did not receive this training (control group). There were also significant differences in favour of the experimental group in the academic performance in the area of math. The results confirm that this model of formative action in which something is taught, learned and shared, promotes the meaningful learning, strengthen the key competences involved in solving problems and improve the grades in mathematics. This methodological change favours, on the one hand, the construction of the knowledge on the part of the students, making them authors of their own learning, and on the other, it strengthens the collaborative work among teachers, enriching their educational experiences and improving the educational atmosphere.

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How to Cite

Maths for life. Following the steps of Pisa in primary school. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 213-222.


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