Pedagogical mediation process in adolescents offenders of law: towards a new paradigm in education

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Eduardo Enrique Sandoval Obando


Today, school and culture are configured as social territories in permanent dispute and tension, due to the heterogeneity of its members, the impact of globalization and the neoliberal system that installs hegemonic practices not only of domination, but also resistance and subversion. We also note from the Industrial Revolution, the school adopts and reproduces asymmetrical and hierarchical relationships among its members, from a logical instructional teaching that limits the potential for development of students, and especially for adolescents who are in conflict with the law. Thus, the school has been and continues to be, a highly normative space that conveys very different codes that has an adolescent offender bill that also does not allow that chance, creativity, autonomy and improvisation fulfill their educational role. Thus, we dream of developing a perspective that enables us psicosocioeducativa interpret and explain the propensity to learn from private juvenile offenders law of liberty, in the processes of pedagogical mediation becoming interested while discovering criteria that allow pedagogical action overcome the crisis of school model, through a critical and democratic pedagogy that is able to integrate processes of social transformation, as antidotes to hopelessness and social exclusion. These reflections, recognize the complexity of educational phenomena and reinforce the need to consider schools as democratic public spheres, as an essential step in an emancipatory critical pedagogy.

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Pedagogical mediation process in adolescents offenders of law: towards a new paradigm in education. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 271-278.


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