Analysis of aggressor personality in bullying.
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At this paper, the big five factors of personality and the aggressor’s profile were analyzed. The sample was composed of 700 secondary students, 43% women, 57% men with an average age of 13,98 years old. We have used the School Coexistence Questionnaire (Defensor del Pueblo, 2006) and the Big Five Questionnaire - Childrens (Barbaranello, Caprara y Rabasca,1998). Through a discriminant analysis we obtained a function that properly classified 49.15 original grouped cases. This discriminant function is determined by the conscientiousness factor (.712), relating the increased presence of this factor in the lower level of aggression and vice versa (Lower Aggression = .575, Media Aggression = - .030 and High Aggression = - .666). Finally, it can be concluded that the conscientiousness factor is the best discriminates profile aggressor in bullying, yielding higher levels of aggression when this factor is less present in the student’s personality.
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