Gender roles and aggressiveness in adolescence
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Adolescent and Young violence remains a concern which damages their biopsychosocial development and involves several factors. The binomial sex-gender has revealed considerable influence on aggressive behavior among adolescents. In order to study in depth our knowledge about these variables, this study analyzes the relation between gender category (masculinity, feminity, adrogyny or undifferentiated) and sex (men or women) to adolescent aggressiveness. For this purpose, by the Spanish adaptation of Sexual Role Inventory by Bem (García-Mina Freire, 2004) and the Cuestionario de Información, Actitudes y Comportamientos relacionados con la Salud (Ballester y Gil, 1999), we analyze the existence of violent behaviors of 270 adolescents from Comunidad Valenciana, ranging from 13 and 17 years old, as well as their self-identification in gender. In general, the results support the relation between masculine traits and higher probability to develop aggressive behaviors. This result is also obtained by the majority of participants self identified as “undifferentiated gender”. However, participants who have more feminine traits are usually more worried about other people. In addition, these traits have shown more influence on aggressive behaviors, preventing their beginning. Therefore, our findings support the gender inequality about aggressive behavior, associated with masculine and undifferentiated universe, and suggest a broad range of actions for preventive interventions.
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