Relation between emotional intelligence and school performance in children of the 1st cycle of primary school of RAM
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The growing interest in emotional intelligence has motivated, since the ‘ 90, the development of numerous studies on the topic. One of the approaches of these studies has been the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement, without much agreement on the results (Angelo, 2007; Newsome et al., 2000; O’Connor and Little, 2003; Parker et al.,2004; Parker et al., 2006; Silva and Duarte, 2012) and was developed further this research. The survey was developed with a set de129 individuals of both sexes of RAM (Autonomy Region of Madeira) in order to respond to the questions: is there any relationship between IE, the IE perceived and school performance? Does gender, age, social participation, socio-economic status of parents and school retention influence the IE and the school performance? The instruments used were: A demographic and educational survey where they gathered, in addition to the socio-demographic data, academic performance data as: retention, the notes of the Portuguese language, Mathematics, the Study of the Middle note of calibration tests: Portuguese language and Mathematics; and the Emotional Intelligence survey of Bar-On (Candeias and Rebocho, 2007, Candeias et al., 2008). The results reveal that only some aspects of IE relate to some of the variables of school performance, in particular the classifications to Portuguese and Mathematics.
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