Preferred custody model according different generations

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Beatriz Triana Pérez
Esther Martínez Crespo


Many Spanish families face family break-ups every year. When a couple who are divorcing have children, it is necessary to decide on custodial arrangements. Usually, custody is awarded to mothers, but joint custody is beginning to be used among Spanish society. The change towards this kind of custody is rather slow. Thus, the main objective of this study has been to analyze, in an exploratory way, which type of custody the participants from three different generations consider most appropriate. Moreover, participants’ believes about the similarities and differences between mothers’ and fathers’ capabilities for raising their children were explored. A sample of 144 subjects (adolescents, young people and adults), from both sexes, participated in the study, answering a semi-structured interview. Results show an increasing acceptance of co-parenting, but it is dependent on certain circumstances such as the capacity and desire for involvement that each parent shows towards their children. These data lead to an important reflection on the need for higher social changes in the distribution of parental roles.

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How to Cite

Preferred custody model according different generations. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 457-466.


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