Indicators of the quality of the foster care

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Rosa J. Molero Mañes
Mª Dolores Gil Llario
Irene Mª Díaz Rodríguez


One of the difficulties in choosing the families who come to foster care is related to the lack of studies that indicate the features needed to support optimal integrated development of children in foster care and also help in the process both the family as the child to generate the necessary resources. The sample consisted of 53 families with 80 children in foster care for three years. The aim was to identify characteristics that allow promote the development of the child. The results underline the importance of establishing secure links between the child and the foster family, the integration of the child in the foster family (the emergence of a sense of belonging), the existence of children in the foster family and a sense of satisfaction with welcoming, by the foster family.

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How to Cite

Indicators of the quality of the foster care. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 475-482.


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