Psychometric properties of inventories: TCC and GRPS of the inventory of good practices in university students.
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The EEES represents a major shift from traditional educational models in the University education system. The student takes an active role in their learning and the teacher becomes a in the guide the teaching-learning process. Besides this skills related to teamwork and interpersonal relationships (student-student, student-teacher and teacher-teacher ) become more important. In this paper we propose to develop some tools that allow us to evaluate the Student’s Good Practices relating more directly with student-student relationships and cooperative learning. Also deepen the process of adaptation of the Inventory of Good Practices in University Students, original by Chickering and Schlossberg (1995). In the context of the European Higher Education, this questionnaire has been translated into Portuguese and adapted for use with university students by Pinheiro (2007, 2008). Likewise, it has been used to establish intercultural studies, establishing the similarities and differences in the good practices associated with Portuguese and Spanish students (Gonzaga, Gozalo and Pinheiro, 2011). The aim of this study is to estimate the psychometric properties of two scales of the Spanish version of the Inventory of Good Practices in University Students: Work cooperatively with peers and Management of Personal and Social Resources. We have a group of 610 University of Extremadura´s students. Their responses to the inventories was subjected to analysis of reliability and validity: construct validity was assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, yielding satisfactory results.
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How to Cite
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