A way to facilitating educational transitions

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María José Fluza Asorey
Silvia Sierra Martínez


This communication is based on the Research Project “Schools moving towards educational inclusion: working with the local community, students’ voices and educational support for promoting change”, developed in A Estrada (Pontevedra, Spain). The aim of this project is to promote inclusive educational processes, articulated on a gradual basis from the educational centres to the local community1. Development of the project is expected to progress in an inter-dependent manner, in three areas of action: intra-school, inter-schools and inter-services. In this work, we take a more indepth look at one of the studies initially conducted at inter-schools level. This is a participatory study on the Educational Transitions in A Estrada, carried out with the collaboration of teachers in Infants, Primary and Secondary Education besides students, families and the local community through different activities. Analysis is made of the information contributed by teachers at the nine educational centres regarding the different types of educational Transitions. Results are presented around three points of interest – concerns and fears expressed by the teaching staff in terms of the different educational transitions; actions to deal with these moments of change; and proposals for improvement put forward in order to facilitate such processes.

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How to Cite

A way to facilitating educational transitions. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 109-118. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v3.487


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