Does students that receive additional support needs with higher risk for learning disabilities in writing?

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Verónica Gil
Celia Morales
Desiree González
Natalia Suárez
Juan E. Jiménez


Nowadays, writing is considered as a complex cognitive process in which several factors are involved that lead to a right writing use in adult age. This process is set up by different sub-processes, between which we can highlight transcription. The transcription skill takes a relevant place in writing acquisition, being of a special importance in the school beginning. If children are imprecise and slow in the transcription process it can lead to a serious setback in to their composition ability and quality. Transcription has a significant effect into the global writing and the academic efficiency in school age even that is considered as a powerful predictor to identify children that are more likely to show severe deficit in the acquisition of writing skills. A discovery that strengthen the importance of identifying writing difficulties as soon as possible. It should be added that nowadays writing teaching at the beginning is focused almost, solely and exclusively, in the most formal text aspects, just like handwriting or legibility, excluding fluency instruction. The current study analyzes the differences in writing fluency and accuracy between children that receive educational support because of their backwardness in the education program and normally achieving children. For this purpose , we selected a sample of 181 normally achieving children and 181 children receiving educational support, belonging to Primary Education and whose ages are in 6 – 9 years old range. Obtained results show that children that receive educational support present a lack of writing fluency and accuracy, problems that without an appropriate instruction could lead in future writing difficulties.

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How to Cite

Does students that receive additional support needs with higher risk for learning disabilities in writing?. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 129-136.


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