Work report on infantile education children with and without low mathematical performance

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M.J Presentación
Rebeca Siegenthaler
V. Pinto
Jesica Mercader
C. Colomer
I. Fernández
M. L. Sanchiz
A. Miranda


This study aims to explore working memory in preschool children with and without low mathematical performance. The sample consisted of 255 children aged 5-6 years, to whom were administered neuropsychological tests of working memory and TEDI-MATH to estimate the mathematical performance. The results highlight the capacity of verbal working memory to significantly differentiate groups of children with and without problems in 8 of the 9 analyzed mathematical domains. This factor together with visuospatial working memory differentiate the group of children at risk for mathematical learning disabilities.

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How to Cite

Work report on infantile education children with and without low mathematical performance. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 233-244.


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