Parameters for cross-cultural education development and behavioral change for students with court decisions

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Mª Ángeles Delgado Burgoss
Marlene Jaramillo Argandoña
Max del Salto Bello


The transfer of material from the Social Sciences Secondary Center, associated with a young institute center, was a challenging curriculum innovation aimed to achieve behavioral change for students. Since the beginning of the experiment we were aware that prisoners who were under our intervention came from different cultural spaces, although united by the unit key concept of transgression, which manifested the rejection of authority and their rules; simultaneously were associated with agreed group codes group, which pacified them in the effect-cause relationship of the individual exercise power fed back in their designation, arbitrarily by the group. In this context of spontaneous seeking balance with manifestations of community outbreaks of violence, in many cases of cultural slants and gender behaviors associated with social exclusion spaces, we projected the interdisciplinary programming of Social Sciences, the Human Development Indicators sustainable from Intercultural Gender analysis, with the goal of reaching the changing individual behaviors impact group. To create an inclusive dialogic framework we designed the contents in six themes, which correspond to the elements, deposited at the Imaginary of all cultures: “earth, water, fire, metal, wood and air” they are the referring of their relationship, by gender, with the ecosystem. In correlation to establish overall objectives and competencies, we use the guiding principles of Education for the Intercultural Development and Global Citizenship; finally, the choice of teaching- learning relapsed on cooperative learning, to strength the group cohesion, and contemplates the self-managed evaluation.

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Author Biographies

Mª Ángeles Delgado Burgoss, Manta-Ecuador

Vicerrectorado Académico, Manta-Ecuador

Marlene Jaramillo Argandoña, M.E., Manta-Ecuador.

Coordinadora de la Zona 4 del M.E., Manta-Ecuador.

Max del Salto Bello, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM),

Facultad de Medicina, Manta-Ecuador.
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM),

How to Cite

Parameters for cross-cultural education development and behavioral change for students with court decisions. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 267-284.


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