The educational crisis: a heritage with which the 21st century is facing

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José Salazar Jaramillo


This is a reference work that addresses from a psychoanalytic perspective unteachable, establishing that you can install an educational device that will address the unteachable. Currently shows that education is in crisis , but this crisis is not exclusive of the XXI century also worth mentioning that the crisis referred to, is not by economic but a crisis that is due to lack of symbolic references. This lack of reference is what Bauman define as the transition from one society to another solid liquid, where the values ??have succumbed and social change transgress limits. Educational institutions are no exception; teachers are charged with administrative forms, students are saturated with extracurricular activities. There are a homogenizing discourse which closes the subject’s desire, but the desire is irreducible, manages to get on stage through the symptom. That is where we find children with behavior problems, aggressive children, ADHD, etc, etc. And the education system to invent strategies to cope with these changes. The globalized discourse has taken its share of participation in education , a clear example of this are the ISO standards, there is an approval , have created standards in education was standardized educational discourse, which implies that education for all and neglects all the singular of the speaking , the subject as such is foreclosed. It is therefore necessary to implement an educational device singular approach to the subject, to respect the non-chronological time, but logical human being, since education should facilitate the subject arises, but not to be silenced.

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Author Biography

José Salazar Jaramillo, Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil

Lcdo. En Ciencias de la Educación; Graduado en la Universidad Técnica de Loja,en Ecuador.
Diplomado Superior en Ciencias Sociales, obtenido en la Facultad Latino Americana de Ciencias Sociales –Sede Quito.
Ayudante de catedra de la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, en la materia de Psicología del desarrollo del Adolescente y el adulto.

How to Cite

The educational crisis: a heritage with which the 21st century is facing. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 611-616.


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