The contribution of psychological factors in the occurrence of pregnant delivery
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Some psychological variables of women seem to be in close relationship with the clinical course of pregnancy and delivery outcome. However, about risk factors for preterm birth, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge of the psychological risk area to enable more effective prevention. Aim: To relate the result of delivery, with regard to gestational age, mode of delivery and infant characteristics with psychological variables assessed during pregnancy, prenatal maternal attachment, psychopathological symptomatology and coping. Methodology: A prospective, descriptive correlational study; participants were 395 women at the second trimester of pregnancy and at postpartum, who attended antenatal clinics at the center of Portugal. The following instruments were used: Clinical Questionnaire about the Result of Delivery; Sociodemographic and Clinical Questionnaire in Pregnancy; Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale; Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI); Problems’ Resolution Inventory (PRI). Results: Gestational age and birth weight of the baby, on one side, and variables of prenatal attachment, BSI and PRI, on the other side, did not correlate significantly. The quality of prenatal maternal attachment was higher in women who came to have a delivery by forceps or vacuum extraction, compared with those that had caesarean birth (p = .05). The majority of women had a healthy pregnancy (75.7%). Coping strategies like Interpersonal Sensitivity and Help-seeking seem to influence the occurrence of obstetrical pathology. Women with higher scores on Total Prenatal Attachment and Intensity of Preocupation are more likely to have newborns with health problems. There is an association between clinical variables, the newborn´s health at birth and obstetric pathology of the II and III trimesters. Conclusion: Prenatal psychological factors such as prenatal attachment do not seem to influence the obstetric condition or the result of delivery but appear to play an important role about how pregnant women experience pregnancy and labor.
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