Design of pregnancy and sound sensitivity: contributions to the study of psychology of pregnancy

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Mª Eduarda Salgado Carvalho
Joao Manuel Rosado de Miranda Justo


Background: This paper aims to describe a longitudinal study about the use of the Drawing Pregnancy Scale and of the Sound-Music Representations in Pregnancy Scale, both of it created and validated in a sample of 211 pregnant women while waiting for sonograms of the II and III trimesters of pregnancy. Aims: 1) to assess, the evolution of variables in drawings of pregnancy and also of sound-music variables, by the transition of the II to the III trimester of gestation and 2) to analyze the contribution of each one of these variables for the psychological study of pregnancy. Method: 1) longitudinal study comparing variables in drawings of pregnancy and sound-music variables at the two moments of assessment; 2) correlational study between each one of these variables and variables of maternal pre-natal attachment and also of maternal pre-natal orientation. Instruments: Drawing Pregnancy Scale (Carvalho, 2011), Sound-Music Representations in Pregnancy Scale (Carvalho and Justo, 2013), Maternal Pre-natal Attachment Scale (Portuguese version, Camarneiro and Justo, 2010) and Placental Paradigm Questionnaire (Portuguese version, Carvalho, 2011). Results: Results show the existence of significant diferences between the II and the III trimestres in some of the variables under analysis, suggesting: a) a increase of the sound-music sensibility by the third trimester, b) an evolution of the maternal image at the third trimester and c) an increase of the frequency of the graphical representation of the cephalic fetal presentation of the baby’s image at the third trimester. Significant correlations were observed between, on one side, the variables of soundmusic sensibility and the variables of the pregnancy drawings and, on another side, variables of prenatal maternal orientation. Significant correlations between sound-music sensibility, on one side, and prenatal maternal attachment and prenatal maternal orientation, on the other side, were found. Conclusion: It will be important to investigate about the representation of the imagined baby through maternal projective measures and the perception of fetal behaviour using sonograms as well as biophysical and hemodynamic measures.

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How to Cite

Design of pregnancy and sound sensitivity: contributions to the study of psychology of pregnancy. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 123-132.


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