Relationship between self-regulated learning (process), satisfaction and performance with the engagement - bournout, (product)

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Jesús de la Fuente
Lucía Zapata Sevillano
Francisco Javier Peralta
Mireia López


Introduction. Research on self-regulated learning suggests that self-regulated students have a more active metacognitive, motivational and behavioral participation in the learning process, generating more metacognitive strategies, expectations of positive self-efficacy, modification of ineffective actions and more adjustment of goals. Student satisfaction has been defined as the perception of their own process and product obtained, being a variable of attitudinal performance. The performance has been considered as the achievement of the competence and performance standards in an assessment task. The present investigation is centered in the establishment of the paper of the emotional variables and its relations with those of motivational and cognitive character, within the framework of the models 3P and DIDEPRO. Method. A total of 250 students from the University of Almeria (Spain, corresponding to the second and fourth years of the Bachelor's and Bachelor's degrees, respectively) participated in this research. . It was evaluated through the Interactive Assessment Scale of the Teaching-Learning Processes, EIPEA in its dimensions, self-regulated learning and satisfaction with learning. The academic performance (conceptual, procedural and attitudinal) was obtained through the request to the teacher of the qualifications of each student. The commitment-exhaustion was evaluated through a validated Spanish version of the Marlach Bournout Inventory Survey-Utrech Work Engegement Scale for Students, with adequate reliability and construct validity indexes. The completion of the questionnaires was done anonymously, in class and in different weeks. An ex post-facto research design was used. The analyzes carried out in relation to the objectives and hypotheses proposed were of association (Pearson bivariate correlations). Results Self-regulated learning showed a positive association relationship with engagement, planning, meaningful learning and study techniques. Satisfaction with learning appeared associated with engagement, especially with absorption. Total performance appeared positively and significantly associated with engagement and negatively with engagement, especially between procedural performance and engagement. Discussion. The results confirm two aspects. On the one hand, the relevance of the 3P and DIDEPRO models, as consistent heuristics for the analysis of the university teaching-learning process. On the other, the importance of positive emotional (engagement) vs. negative (bournout), associated with self-regulated learning constructs, satisfaction with learning and procedural and attitudinal performance.

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How to Cite

Relationship between self-regulated learning (process), satisfaction and performance with the engagement - bournout, (product). (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 133-138.


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