A look at the attitudes: perception of people with down syndrome an emic view toward attitudes: perceptions of individuals with down syndrome
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Starting from the premise that attitudes influence behavior of those who expressed such attitudes, as well as from the attitudinal referents, in this study we present the results obtained after assessing the perceptions of 15 individuals with Down syndrome by means of in depth interviews. The objective was to determine the perceptions of people with Down syndrome toward themselves and their disability. We expected that respondents perceived both positive and negative attitudes. The interviews were transcribed and the results of the coding of the 147 selected textual fragments revealed the existence two major factors. On the one hand, those that denote unfavorable attitudes and relate to shame, rejection, understanding the Down syndrome as a disease, overprotection or consider that they are all friendly and loving. It also includes comments to some remaining challenges and its association with the need to eliminate stereotypes and overprotection. Concerning positive attitudes, they relate to perceived improvements in the recognition of their rights, inclusion in different life, social and employment domains. There are also improvements regarding equal treatment, acceptance and respect. Finally, guidelines for improving the inclusion of this group are suggested.
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How to Cite
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