The tutor of the degree dissertation: new challenges for the professor of university

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Enrique Merino Tejedor


The purpose of the present article is to present some reflections regarding the professor of university as tutor of the Degree Dissertation. Some ideas are presented in order to improve professors’ performance when helping university students to carry out the Degree Dissertation. First of all, some suggestions are presented regarding the profile of the Degree Dissertation tutor. Following, there are some approaches stemming from activities related to work contexts, such as empowerment, coaching or mentoring, these activities are clearly relevant in the university educational context. Finally, some suggestions are presented regarding the self-regulated learning.

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How to Cite

The tutor of the degree dissertation: new challenges for the professor of university. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 239-244.


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