Cyberbullying. Screening for peer bullying: description and psychometric data
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Current concern about violent peer behaviors, both “face-to-face” bullying, and through information and communication technologies (cyberbullying) underlies this study, the purpose of which is to construct a tool that allows easy and rapid identification of this type of violence. In the communication, the “Cyberbullying. Screening for peer bullying” (Garaigordobil, 2013) test is described and psychometric information is provided. The test is divided into two sections that allow exploring “face-to-face” bullying (physical, verbal, social, psychological) and 15 cyberbullying behaviors (stealing passwords, anonymous intimidating calls, sending offending/insulting messages, slandering/spreading discrediting rumors, supplanting identity, sexual harassment...). The screening tool provides four indicators of bullying and cyberbullying: 1) Victimization (victimization behaviors suffered in the past year-victim); 2) Aggression (aggressive/bullying behaviors carried out in the past year-aggressor); 3) Observation (others’ aggressive/bullying behaviors observed in the past year-observer), and 4) Aggressive- Victimization (bullying behaviors suffered as victim and carried out as aggressor). The instrument identifies the existence and severity of the problem. The study was carried out with a representative sample of adolescents and young people from the Basque Country made up of 3,026 participants aged between 12 and 18 years. The Cronbach alpha coefficients for the section of bullying (total ? = .81; victimization ? = .70; aggression ? = .71; observation ? = .80), and cyberbullying (total ? = .91; cyber-victimization ? = .82; cyber-aggression ? = .91; cyberobservation ? = .87) showed adequate internal consistency. The gamma coefficients (between .60 and .81) of the indicators of bullying and cyberbullying confirmed adequate temporal stability. Factor analysis yielded a threefactor structure (victims/aggressors/observers) in bullying and cyberbullying, which explain 57.89 and 40.15%, respectively, of the variance. Validation analyses have found inverse correlations of bullying and cyberbullying with empathy, social adjustment... and positive correlations with antisocial behavior.
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