Explora questionnaire for vocational and professional guidance
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The guidance and career counseling are increasingly needed in our educational system to the extent that career decision making is seen as an increasingly complex process that is affected by personal factors ( questions , immaturity , indecision, preparation and information of our students ) and contextual factors ( situation of the labor market , globalization , increased specialization and elective subjects , modification training routes , creation of new degrees , ...). From this perspective it is necessary that professional counseling and educational and vocational guidance have the precise tools to stimulate the development of vocational maturity of our young people they can get to make effective decisions realistic and mature. The aim of this paper is to present the psychometric characteristics of the EXPLORA, Questionnaire for Vocational Guidance. The EXPLORA assesses six professional fields (Technical- Manual , Scientific - Investigative, Artistic , Creative , Social - Assistive, Persuasive Business - and Office- Management ), which correspond to the types and environmental models of the theory of Holland ( 1997) , taking into account the interests , skills and personal characteristics of the individuals . In order to assess its psychometric properties was applied to a sample of 3570 subjects from different educational levels. The reliability of the scales measured by Cronbach ‘s alpha coefficient ranged between 0.92 and 0.94 . The different procedures used to test its construct validity and criterial evidence the suitability of the instrument to the theoretical model on which it is based. The results allow us to conclude that this instrument has sufficient scientific and technical assurance processes for application in orientation and vocational counseling.
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How to Cite
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