On-line psychoeducational counselling and guidance
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With the emergence of “knowledge society”, new approaches and educational and psychological theories have emerged. We have described a proposal of instructional program have been designed with Web 2.0 tools. We want to analyze the effects that the use of different web tools in the process of teaching and learning generate in various psychological and educational constructs, at the same time, we instruct in writing and others psychological and educational variables. We expect that the effectiveness and efficiency of various web tools for instruction will be confirmed. We hope to observe an increase of motivation, self-efficacy and academic performance as well as an improvement in quality of writing. This study is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, National Program for Human Resources, Training of Research Staff, Predoctoral Research Grants subprogram (FPI-MICINN, currently MINECO) was awarded to J. García- Martín for four years (2011-2015).
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