Virtual tools in active aging

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Cristina Díaz Prieto
Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez


Virtual tools have burst onto every field. Existing statistical data show a much lower use of these tools by the elderly in relation to other groups. The objective of this study is to determine the existence of web 2.0 tools for seniors, and more broadly, to identify existing resources on the net for work on emotional and psychosocial competences (coping, socio-communicative competence and self-efficacy) or those related to active aging at any age group. We also intend to explore some of the possible causes of the digital divide through a descriptive analysis of these different tools available on the net regarding the properties of accessibility, usability and function. To do this, we have a corpus of 247 links. The main results of the analyzes are shown in this study. During this study, we received funds through a predoctoral fellowship (FPU-MECD) for the quadrennial 2013-2017 granted to C. Diaz-Prieto.

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How to Cite

Virtual tools in active aging. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 355-362.


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