Competences of the secondary education teacher compulsory and baccalaureate. Building from learning strategies

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Álvaro Muelas Plaza


Currently, there is a major social concern for the academic performance of Spanish students . The results obtained in the recent PISA (2013 ) report , it is seen as 15-year Spanish students in the areas of math , reading and science are below the average of the countries that comprise the OECD. Given this scenario , it should reflect together on how to improve these results . There are many variables that can influence . Of these, the degree of relationship between teachers and students is a clearly influential variable in all performance. It is therefore vital that teachers possess adequate skills , not to be the protagonist of student learning , but to be that guide learning in a cognitive approach , where the teacher helps the student to think of a so critical, creative and meaningful. As it is relevant that students submit adequate learning strategies when they are in the stage of secondary education , as they are one of the variables that influence their academic performance within the competencies required of all educators teach in secondary education should emphasize knowledge and daily work of learning strategies , being a fundamental aspect of all teaching. For this circumstance , the present communication , it aims to sensitize the educational community of the importance for the future of our students that teachers learn these strategies in a profound way. Learning strategies should be understood as mental activities employed by the individual in a particular learning situation to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, the teacher must at all times seek to “learn to learn” by the student , where it can help the student to know and to carry out its “action plan “ for achieving the academic goals set.

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How to Cite

Competences of the secondary education teacher compulsory and baccalaureate. Building from learning strategies. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 375-380.


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