Design and development of resources for the prevention of use in Loja (Ecuador), Zamora (Ecuador) and Cali (Colombia)
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Consumption of alcohol on Young people in open space at the nights of weekends, is a psychosocial and cultural phenomenon known as “Botellón” “meeting around bottle” (12-17 years old) on the cities of Loja and Zamora (Ecuador) and Cali (Colombia). From this identification of the phenomenon, characteristics of groups of young people will be the units of participation in defining strategies for the design and development of mentoring programs aimed at preventing drug and leisure education will be established in adolescents. On the other hand the importance of training of university students on this topic will be a relevant factor for the formation of groups like youth mediators and research assistants in the process of data collection. All this will strengthen a network of national research for the socialization of this academic experience and research, together with the National Council for the Control of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances (CONSEP) are going to present others university these experiences. A network of more international research involving Huelva University (Spain) and Santiago de Cali University (Colombia).
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How to Cite
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