Gender differences in effective personality in second and third cycle of primary education

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Juan Pablo Pizarro Ruiz
Patricia Guerra Mora
Teresa Bermúdez Rey


In this communication, gender differences in personality Effective in Primary Education students (8 to 13 years) are studied. The sample consists of 412 students, out of whom 216 were girls (52.4%) and 196 were boys (47.6%). For the evaluation we used Effective Personality Primary 8-12/Extended Questionnaire (CPE-P/8-12/extended), which was elaborated by Pizarro Ruiz, Martín del Buey Palace. Four areas are evaluated within it: Strengths of Self (social self-concept and physical self-concept) Demands of the Self (effective attributions, punishment avoiding, optimistic behaviour expectatives, optimistic performance expectatives, effort attributions, intrinsic motivation), Challenges to the Self (social support searching, positive facing), Relations of the Self (own rights defense, assertiveness). The results show that only statistically significant differences were found in the area of Demands of Self. The girls’ average is higher than the boys’ average. Furthermore, in dimensions level, it has been found that only significant gender differences exist in: effective attributions, optimistic behaviour expectatives, effort attributions and intrinsic motivation. Girls have higher average in effective attributions, optimistic behaviour expectatives, effort attributions and intrinsic motivation than the boys.

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How to Cite

Gender differences in effective personality in second and third cycle of primary education. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 101-112.


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