Consequences of the intellectual development of children with phda, when the progenitor consumes cocaine during the ovulation and foundation periods of the progeny

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Charles Rodrigues


Previous literature considers the existence of intellectual differences in children with ADHD when the parents are addicts to psychoactive substances. The aim of this work was to verify this intellectual difference between children with ADHD, with influence or not, of cocaine use by the father, during ovulation and fertilization of the mother. The sample was composed by 45 children, all male, with clinical diagnosis ADHD, accompanied on 12 educational institutions, 9 publics and 3 private, of the District of Lisbon. The sample was divided into two groups and subjected to quantitative assessment by applying the WISC III. The results present statistically significant differences, whereby we may conclude that there more intellectual’s difficulties in children with ADHD, when the father had cocaine use during ovulation periods and fertilization of the mother.

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Consequences of the intellectual development of children with phda, when the progenitor consumes cocaine during the ovulation and foundation periods of the progeny. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 113-120.


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