Development of socioemotional competences in adult chilean population. Gender differences in effective personality

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Andrea Arnaiz
Cristina Di Giusto Valle
Silvia Castellanos Cano


This communication aims to assess whether gender differences exist around the construct of Effective Personality in Chilean adult population between 30 and 60. This construct, which is developed by Martín del Buey and Martin Palace, is compounded by four areas: Strengths of Self (selfconcept and self-esteem); Demands of Self (motivation, expectations and causal attributions) Challenges of Self (coping with problems and decision making) and Relations of Self (communication, assertiveness and empathy). The sample consists of 478 Chilean adults from 30 to 60 years, out of which 125 were men (26.2%) and 353 women (73.8%). For the evaluation we used Effective Personality Questionnaire-Adult (SPC-A), which was designed by Castellanos Cano, Martín Palacio and Dapelo Pellerano (2012). This questionnaire has 30 items, which are distributed into four subscales: Self Esteem; Occupational Self-Realization; Self-efficacy Antitrust; and Social Self-Realization. The results indicate no statistically significant differences in any of the four dimensions evaluated. However, the descriptive statistics show that the male average is higher as regards Esteem and Self-efficacy Antitrust, while women got a higher average in Labor Self-realization and Social Selfrealization.

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How to Cite

Development of socioemotional competences in adult chilean population. Gender differences in effective personality. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 141-150.


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