"Outdoor training as a methodology to potentiate emotional intelligence in children and adolescents"

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Mario Alberto Silva Santos
Mª da Gloria Franco
Natalie de Nobrega Santos
Elisabete Porto Silva


Currently the talent is the key word for any type of organization or institution. Supported by a change of mentality, which coincides with the entry of the century, the investigations begin to question the IQ (intelligence quotient) as the predominant factor in achieving social and professional success , going to defend the EQ (emotional quotient). Thus, we advocate processing in children and young people to equip them with differentiating competencies to develop talents. Outdoor Training, which places individuals in natural settings outside their comfort zone, has proved to be a methodology that enables better and faster learning than the traditional method. In this workshop we intend to demonstrate how socio-emotional skills can be worked in children and young people using this methodology. It will be developed four outdoor activities that allow participants to go through the experience and be able to assess the relevance and impact of this methodology. The workshop will be conduct with a maximum of 30 people, outdoor environment (off living classroom, on the grounds of the university). A team of researchers in the area of outdoor training and emotional intelligence will energized the workshop on the ground. The workshop will be evaluated through interviews and questionnaires of assessment.

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How to Cite

"Outdoor training as a methodology to potentiate emotional intelligence in children and adolescents". (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 187-194. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v5.667


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