Peer violence in teenagers through information and communication technologies

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Rosa Mª Valverde Castillo
Mª Isabel Fajardo Caldera
Sixto Cubo Delgado


Peer violence through Information and Communication Technologies is a recent phenomenon but it is expanding rapidly, so that it is necessary to undertake an analysis of the reality, in order to establish guidelines for proposals or educational intervention to promote the prevention of this new way of peer violence. The aim of this study is to analyze the incidence of the phenomenon of violence among peers through ICTs in educational stage 1st and 2nd years of ESO in the city of Badajoz, and its relationship with the gender variable, as well as knowing their level of equipment in these technologies. The sample is formed by 193 schoolchildren, from the first and second year of secondary education of three Secondary Education High Schools and a school of the city of Badajoz (Spain). For data collection, a questionnaire has been developed, which included the three parties involved in the phenomenon: offender, victim and viewer. In relation with the test sample, it has been detected a higher prevalence in girls of this kind of situations, both as victims and aggressors. Likewise, a high level of equipment in TICs, mobile phones, tablets or computers has been found in the pupils studied.

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Peer violence in teenagers through information and communication technologies. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 227-238.


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