Impact of lovaas behavioral therapy in the speed of processing and improvement of attention in a case of autism

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Julie Andrea Traslaviña
Cristina Moreno


Objective: To evaluate the cognitive level of a child with behavioral therapy Lovaas. Also, comparing mental age with chronological age and possible changes through the Wechsler scales. Method: single case design AB, by administering the Wechsler Scales preschool and primary (WPPSI-III) and Wechsler for Children (WISC-IV) to a boy of 8 years old with a diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder DSM-IV (APA, 1994). Results: The results indicate an improvement in terms of the data obtained in comparable subtest and mental ages. For this particular case, we have found an improvement in the tasks related to processing speed index. Conclusion: The working hypothesis is tested in cognitive and behavioral skills of children with pervasive developmental disorder operated by Lovaas therapy and its positive influence on the basis for school integration.

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How to Cite

Impact of lovaas behavioral therapy in the speed of processing and improvement of attention in a case of autism. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 463-468.


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