Assessment by observation of motor skills in preschool children

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Mª Luisa Herrero Nivela
Elena Escolano-Pérez
Mª Teresa Anguera
Marian Acero-Ferrero


The psychomotor development is a dynamic process as result of the nervous system maduration, neuromuscular function and sensitive organs, which happens during the interaction of the child with the environment. All contribute to the acquisition of skills and more complex responses. The present study is an example of how teachers can use observation to assess child´s motor behaviour. This study analyses the possible existence of patterns of motor behaviour and its evolution in a group of schoolchildren in the early childhood education in their physical education class during spontaneous play and directed activities.

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How to Cite

Assessment by observation of motor skills in preschool children. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 469-476.


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