Expressivity and emotional regulation in college students

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Franco M.G


Emotions have a great adaptive value for individuals, allowing them to challenges the opportunities offered by the environment (Plutnchik , 1990) . So this study is important the utmost importance in education contexts. By emotional expressiveness is meant changes in behavior (eg , facial and postural accompanying emotions such as crying, laughing , blushing ) ( Gross and John , 1998) . Despite this multidimensional view of emotional expressiveness not be the only (there is a great proliferation) this view and adds that greater agreement among authors. In turn, emotional regulation refers to all of the strategies used to reduce, maintain or increase an emotion (Gross, 2001) . The strategies of emotional regulation are implicated in personality, emotions on cognition in social development (including resilience ). The objective of this research is to understand what patterns of regulation and emotional expression can meet college students and which variables influence them. The sample comprises 182 subjects, 83.5 % female and 16.5 % male, aged 17 to 51 years (M=23.5 years ; SD 6.6 ), the to Higher Education in the 1st (17.3% ), 2 (37.9 %), 3 (46.2 %) and 4th year (2.2%), students of Psychology (30.8 %), Educational Sciences (19.8 %) and Nursing (49.5 %) . The instruments used are: a Emotional Expressiveness Questionnaire of Berkeley (Gross and John , 1997) that assesses three dimensions: negative expressivity, positive expressivity and impulse, and the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (Gross and John, 2003) This study show that the dimensions of emotional expressiveness and regulation depend on gender, year, course and age.

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How to Cite

Expressivity and emotional regulation in college students. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 477-486.


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