Cuve3: instruments to evaluate school violence

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A. Dobarro
D. Álvarez García
J.C. Núñez


For more than a decade, the research team has been working on the design and testing of a tool that allows to assess school violence quickly and easily, but with guarantees of reliability and validity. To this end, different questionnaires have been prepared that allow evaluating both from the point of view of the students and from the teachers' point of view the frequency of occurrence of violent incidents carried out by the students or the teaching staff. It is based on a theoretical model that considers that in the educational environment violence manifests itself in various forms: physical violence, verbal violence, social exclusion, disruption in the classroom, violence through ICT and teacher violence towards students.

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How to Cite

Cuve3: instruments to evaluate school violence. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 487-492.


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