Psychological well-being, self-concept and couple relations in university students

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Lalia Mohamed Mohand
Lucía Herrera Torres


For the purpose of responding to one of the objectives in higher education, that is, encourage a quality process of teaching and learning, it is necessary to consider the factors that may facilitate and hinder this process. In this sense, psychological well-being of university students, their self-concept and certain behaviors and attitudes of violence in couple relations are factors to be taken into account. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship among these factors. In addition, to determine if differences exist in the factors identified by gender and cultural group (European vs Amazigh). For it, 100 university students in the Faculty of Education and Humanities of the University of Granada in the University Campus of Melilla participated. The Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS), the Test of Self-Concept Form 5 (AF-5), and the Dating Violence Questionnaire (DVQ) were the instruments used for the data collection. The main results showed statistically significant differences by gender in the Degree of distress experienced by the presence of violent behaviors and attitudes in couple relations, the Academic/Professional Self-Concept and Emotional Self-Concept. In the first two cases were women who scored higher while men scored higher in the latter case. Regarding cultural group, the Amazigh students expressed a lower score on the Couple Relations Scale of PWBS. In addition, different types of correlations, positive and negative, between the subscales of the three instruments used were found. Finally, the need to address the elements analyzed in the university context is discussed.

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Psychological well-being, self-concept and couple relations in university students. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 475-484.


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