Stimulation of metacognition in children's education through metaphorical language

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Sílvia Mayoral Rodríguez
Carme Timoneda Gallart


The aim of this communication is focused on proving as use of metaphoric language helps in stimulation of metacognition. To do this we present an experience where is applied metaphor and metaphoric language to support the COGEST program (Cognitive Stimulation). This work is done with students from Early Childhood Education in a public school Girona as a part of a larger research project that aims to assess the cognitive processes of children of P-4 and P-5 once applied COGEST program (ends of June 2015). In our communication will explain some of the metaphors used throughout this cognitive work (from September 2013) and the result of their application. These results show as metaphorical language helps children to be aware of how they learn and gain autonomy in their learning process. Concludes that metaphor stimulates metacognition (learners are aware of the purpose of each task, its own strategies and the importance of reviewing the process). Also, helps each child in managing their emotions and is a good tool to resolve conflicts that arise in the classroom.

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How to Cite

Stimulation of metacognition in children’s education through metaphorical language. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 511-518.


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